Dressing Over 60 - The art of statement jewelry

Dressing Over 60 - The art of statement jewelry

If you've recently watched our latest weekly video, Sylvia nailed it on the head when she talks about age and fashion!

We truly believe when it comes to fashion, age does not matter! As you get older it's still important to stay on trend and continue to feel good about yourself.

Dressing for your age is important but it doesn't have to be boring. If you notice, the older we get, the more boring the clothes get.. am I right? BUT it doesn't have to be! By wearing statement accessories you can completely change the outfit and your look!

Whether it be a statement necklace, or a fun scarf, adding statement pieces to your outfit will make you stand out and feel confident! You can still wear clothes fit for your age, but stay on trend too!

What do you think of Sylvia's look? A simple black blouse, with a pair of grey pants is turned into a fashionable outfit with our Sasha necklace and bracelet!


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